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Pinterest Made Simple

Level up your business by harnessing the power of Pinterest so you can reach your ideal audience!


There are no one-size-fits-all solutions here. I specialize in custom strategies for the creative entrepreneur to develop an organic Pinterest Marketing Strategy that will focus on delivering results for your business.



Hello! I’m Joy, your Pinterest Marketing Addict and Strategy Specialist.

I’m here to help you use Pinterest as a powerful visual marketing tool to propel your business toward success.


 Raise your hand if you…

+ Need someone to take the overwhelming stress out of Pinterest and help you create successful strategies

+ Are completely lost and confused on how to showcase your business on Pinterest

+ Want to take back your time to focus on your business you are crazy passionate about

+ Are a busy entrepreneur who sees others getting THE RESULTS, but you have no idea where to start

+ Are totally done trying to keep up with Pinterest’s constantly changing algorithm

+ Are juggling everything on your own (minus the super fun carnival and cotton candy)

+ Dream of having your ideal customers FIND YOU and sing your praises from the rooftops




account audit

Organic monthly account management

account set up + Custom strategy

account optimization
